

A Powerful Plasma Air Purifier Developed for Pandemic Countermeasures Due to Climate Change


CHEFER AIR uses proprietary cold plasma technology to generate Plasma Organic® Air, a powerful disinfecting air that fills the space to maximize its effectiveness. This next-generation space purification system immediately decomposes viruses, bacteria, mold spores, pollen, and other contaminants that enter the facility, preventing their spread.

In addition to infection control, CHEFER AIR can also be applied to address food crisis issues.

The State of Affairs

The State of Affairs

The Impact of Climate Change on Emerging Viruses and Bacteria

Climate change may cause the spread of unknown virusesand bacteria. Rising temperatures and extreme weather events, such as floods and droughts, increase the risk of infectious diseases emerging in new regions. Additionally, temperature changes and deforestation lead to more frequent contact between humans and animals, raising the risk of emerging infectious diseases. Climate change intensifies the effects of pathogens suchas viruses and bacteria due to temperature rise, extremeweather, and ecosystem changes. Therefore, it is essentialto strengthen health measures and hygiene managementalongside climate change measures.

The World Health Organization (WHO) underscores the health risks posed by climate change. It warns that climate change can facilitate the spread of infectious diseases and trigger health crises, underscoring the need for collective public health efforts. This includes leveraging digital technology for infectious disease monitoring systems and bolstering public health efforts.

World Health Organization (WHO) – Climate Change and Health
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) – Climate Effects on Health
National Institutes of Health (NIH) – Climate Change and Infectious Diseases

The disinfection method using cold plasma is a unique and powerful approach that has also been adopted for infection control in space.

The disinfection method using cold plasma is a unique and powerful approach that has also been adopted for infection control in space.

On the International Space Station (ISS), advanced oxidation processes (AOP) using cold plasma technology were adopted to reduce the risk of infection in a closed environment. This method effectively removes pathogens in the air and on surfaces, which protects the crew’s health.

references:Is There a Better Way to Sterilize Spacecraft? space.com

Some viruses and bacteria areresistant to alcohol disinfection.

Some viruses and bacteria areresistant to alcohol disinfection.

Since the outbreak of the novel coronavirus, disinfection practices have become widely integrated into people’s daily lives. Among these practices, alcohol disinfectionis commonly used. However, it is not widely knownthat some viruses and bacteria resist alcohol disinfection.

Viruses can be categorized into two types: envelopedviruses, which have a lipid membrane, and non-enveloped viruses, which do not.

Alcohol, a commonly used disinfectant, plays a significant role in our efforts to combat the spread of infectious diseases. It can damage enveloped viruses by breaking down their lipid membranes. However, it’s important to be aware that non-envelopedviruses, with their protein shell, are less susceptibleto alcohol, necessitating alternative disinfection methods.

For example, norovirus and rotavirus, which cause foodpoisoning, are classified as non-enveloped viruses andare known to be resistant to standard alcohol disinfection methods.

The use of CHEFER AIR has gained attention in response to viruses that are resistant to alcohol. CHEFER AIR employs cold plasma technology to remove viruses and bacteria effectively. This new method offers high disinfection efficacy not only against enveloped virusesbut also against non-enveloped viruses.

The disinfection method of CHEFER AIR eliminates viruses and bacteria before they can enter and spread within indoor environments.

The disinfection method of CHEFER AIR utilizes a groundbreaking new mechanism. It fills indoor spaces with Plasma Organic® Air generated within the device. This method uses only air as a raw material, without any chemicals or drugs, making it both human- and environmentally friendly. It is also designed to be energy-efficient.

Importance of Infection Control: Tackling Surface and Airborne Pathogens

Infection control is more than just spatial disinfection; it also involves addressing surface and airborne pathogens. Viruses, bacteria, mold spores, and pollen can attach to hands, objects, and clothing, spreading from person to person and from object to object. Plasma Organic® Air eliminates organic matter that has entered indoor spaces, preventing the spread of infections.

Combating Mold and Bacteria: Decomposition in the Air

With CHEFER AIR, we don’t just react to mold and bacteria; we proactively combat them. Mold and bacteria feed on various substances like food debris, dust, hair, and sebum. To prevent them from settling, it is crucial to decompose them in the air. Plasma Organic® Air effectively decomposes these organic materials, maintaining a safe and secure indoor environment.

Common air purifier methods

Filter adsorption method
Filter adsorption method

Contaminated air is taken into the device, dirt is deposited onthe filter, and purified air is recycled indoors

CAUTION: Unkilled viruses and bacteriamay remain in the filter

Mist spray method
Mist spray method

A method of emitting chemical mistfrom equipment. Mainly alcohol andhypochlorous acid water spray

Caution: Mist may be harmful to precision equipment and the human body

New method

Cold plasma gas phase method
Cold plasma gas phase method

A new sterilization method releases and fills the room with plasma organic®︎ air, which promptly repels viruses, bacteria, mold spores, etc., that have entered the room



CHEFER AIR has been proven effective against norovirus, Salmonella, avian influenza, and other pathogens.

CHEFER AIR inactivates many bacteria and viruses, regardless of their type.

Plasma Organic® Air, generated by cold plasma, contains highly reactive disinfecting air, including plasma-activated OH radicals and reactive oxygenspecies (ROS).

This air can decompose viruses, bacteria, mold spores, pollen, and more without discrimination. For example, Plasma Organic® Air reduces norovirus, which is difficult to disinfect even with alcohol, by 95.32% within two hours.

Additionally, it has been proven effective against Salmonella (99.99%), E. coli (98.11%), Staphylococcus aureus (99.95%), avian influenza, swine fever virus, and Legionella bacteria.

CHEFER AIR inactivates many bacteria and viruses, regardless of their type.

CHEFER AIR leverages the powerful effects of cold plasma and is widely used for various applications, from hygiene measures to food waste reduction.



According to data, food loss due to spoilage and mold during transportation is a significant issue in the food supply chain. The FAO reports that about 30-40% of the food produced worldwideis lost before it the market. Much of this loss is due to inadequate post-harvest storage and a need for proper transportation facilities, particularly impacting small-scale farmers in developing countries. By leveraging the properties of cold plasma to rapidly decompose viruses, bacteria, and mold spores that cause food spoilage, CHEFER AIR is widely used for various applications, from hygiene measures to reducing food waste.



Plasma Organic® Air, generated by cold plasma, is highly reactive disinfecting air containing plasma-activated OH radicals and reactiveoxygen species (ROS). This allows for rapidly decomposing viruses, bacteria, mold spores, pollen, and other contaminants.

Plasma Organic® Air, being generated using air as the raw material,is both human- and environmentally-friendly, while also being extremely powerful. The use of CHEFER AIR ensures continuous infection control 24/7 in environments where people are present, providing a constant shield against pathogens. Furthermore, it is expected to be effective for livestock infection control, contributing to improved spatial hygiene management in agriculture and animal husbandry.


Powerful Infection Control Example Using Cold Plasma Technology

Infection Control Using CHEFER AIR

CHEFER AIR is utilized for infection control and hygiene management in various high-traffic areas, including medical and educational facilities, airports, public buildings, hotel and restaurant kitchens, food markets, hydroponic facilities, and livestock facilities.


Addressing Surface Contaminants is Crucial for Infection Control.
Viruses, bacteria, and mold spores spread by attaching to hands, objects, and clothing. Therefore, it is essential to continuously eliminate them before they can enter and spread within facilities.

Infection control using CHEFER AIR


Food Waste Reduction Example Using Cold Plasma

Food Waste Reduction with CHEFER AIR

According to an FAO report, carbon dioxide emissions related to food waste reach approximately 3.7 billion tons annually, accounting for about 8% of global greenhouse gas emissions. By utilizing CHEFER AIR to reduce food waste, it is possible to address food waste and waste treatment while reducing carbon dioxide emissions.

Below is an example of preventing food waste in a manufacturing plant by removing airborne mold spores.

Food Waste Reduction with CHEFER AIR